Peer-reviewed journals (FT50 & VHB A/A+)
- Dong, T., Eugster, F., Vazquez, A. (2022). Passive institutional investors and audit fees: Empirical evidence from the Russell index reconstitution. European Accounting Review, forthcoming
- Athanasakou, V., Eugster, F., Schleicher, T., Walker, M. (2020). Annual report narratives and the cost of equity capital: UK evidence of a U-shaped relation. European Accounting Review, 29(1), 27-54
- Eugster, F. (2020). Endogeneity and the dynamics of voluntary disclosure quality: Is there really an effect on the cost of equity capital?. Contemporary Accounting Research, 37(4), 2590-2614.
Weitere Publikationen in peer-reviewed journals
- Dong, T., Eugster, F., Nilsson, H. (2022). Business school education, motiviation, and young adults' stock market participation. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 106958
- Eugster, F., Kallunki, J., Nilsson, H., Setterberg, H. (2021). IQ and corporate insiders' decisions to time insider and outsider trading. European Financial Management, 27(5), 814-840. Nominated: Best Paper Award
- Eugster, F., Wagner, A.F.. (2021). Earning investor trust: The role of past earnings management. Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, 48(1-2), 269-307
- Eugster, F., Wagner, A.F. (2020). Value reporting and firm performance. Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation, 40, 100319.
Weitere Publikationen
- Eugster, F., Stenzel, A. (2022). Key Audit Matters der Swiss Performance Index Unternehmen. Expert Focus, 96(4), 335-340
- Carlsson-Wall, M., Eugster, F., Hjelström, T., Nilsson, H. (2021). Corporate Governance and Short-Termism: An In-Depth Analysis of Swedish Data. Submitted to teh EU Commission in response to the Commission initiative on financing sustainable growth
- Eugster, F., Dzielinski. M. (2021). Perceptions about quarterly earnings: Rhetorical differences comparing Sweden and USA. In Sweden Through the Crisis. SIR, Stockholm School of Economics Institute for Research, 2021.