1st SARAC in Champéry, 15th and 16th February 2018

February 15th and 16th, 2018, in the beautiful Alpine mountain village of Champéry, Switzerland, marked the kickoff of SARAC!

The two-day conference was packed with presentations and events: More than 40 participants from across the globe gathered, presented, and discussed 22 papers in all areas of financial and management accounting. Keynote speakers discussed future accounting research trends, academics presented developing accounting research, and designated discussions and Q&A time allowed participants to engage in all presentations actively. The traditional Swiss dinners and skiing ensured the perfect setting to network with fellow academics and professionals while enjoying the beautiful nature of Switzerland.

We thank all presenters and participants for attending and making these days memorable!

Keynote speakers:
Teri L. Yohn, Indiana University
Scott Liao, University of Toronto

The conference was sponsored by:
